Welcome to Dave's Corner of the Web--here since 1998 and not going anywhere fast.
E-mail: dave_sipley_net. (Fill in the blanks & prove you're not a spambot.)

Original Fiction
A Conversation with my President
Ebeneezer's Biography
Hills Like Hemingway's, Only Completely Different
The Adhoc Committee for the Study of the Irrelevant (Written with friends.)

Original Non-Fiction
What's Luck Got to do with It?
Bill & Marsha's Wedding Toast
Eight Quick and Easy Steps
The Patriots' 2001 Season
The Road Warrior Essays

Adventures with Stamey
The Swiss Air Crash
For Love of the Kevin Costner
Another Baby in a Dumpster
This Isn't a Story
Taking Out the White Trash
I Love New York
The End of Giuliani's Hopes
An Unfinished Tribute to my Father

In Memoriam Susan X
A Conversation with my Dog
Why I Like Bastard Nation
PILOTing a Tax-Free Course
Not Good Enough for the Post
Miss America and a Sixpack
Miss America and Another Sixpack

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